Our North Downs Community Orchestra certainly had fun joining in with the annual community event, Godstone Fete and Donkey Derby!
We have received news from Kevin Black of County Border News:
This year's annual Godstone Village Fete and Donkey Derby began with the bonus of warm, sunny weather and Godstone Green was once again, packed with thousands of loyal supporters of the fete. Early on in the day, families were spreading out their blankets and making themselves comfortable, ready to enjoy the sun and fun in store with the pleasure of listening to music from The North Downs Orchestra, featuring a new composition called "Something stirring on Godstone Green".
From the September issue of the Caterham Independent:
"The lively donkey races at the Godstone Village Fete provided plenty of entertainment
in blazing sunshine on August Bank Holiday Monday. The North Downs Community Orchestra performed at the start of the event with a rendition of classical and popular tunes conducted by Richard Cross."
And a lovely email received from the Godstone Fete committee:
"Thank you for the wonderful musical entertainment on August Bank Holiday Monday at our Fete. There have been many, many complimentary comments and everyone could hear the music from all corners of the Green."